Golf ladies swing into action to help disabled Newnham boy

Harry meets Daventry Mayor Lynn Taylor at the charity day.Harry meets Daventry Mayor Lynn Taylor at the charity day.
Harry meets Daventry Mayor Lynn Taylor at the charity day.
The Ladies' Section at Daventry & District Golf Club swung into action to help a severely disabled toddler from Newnham.

They held a successful charity day in aid of the Helping Harry Trust, a trust set up to support Harry Charlesworth.

His mother Hayley said club captains Julie and Peter Phillips found out about Harry and his difficulties at the start of the year and have been very keen to show their support.

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Gathering together in aid of Harry, the clubhouse was transformed into a festive bazaar as a host of local businesses pitched up stalls to sell items including bags and jewellery, Christmas decorations and beauty products.

The tombola and Coffee Shop also proved extremely popular with the visitors.

Daventry Mayor Lynn Taylor attended the event and was very pleased to meet little Harry and his parents Hayley and Andrew Charlesworth.

Hayley said “We are incredibly grateful for the support shown to us by Daventry Golf Club. During the charity day the club managed to raise a whopping £1080 which will be put towards a specialist bath and changing table to ensure Harry’s comfort, safety and dignity (and our backs). Being able to buy this essential type of equipment makes a world of difference to our everyday lives, unfortunately anything special needs is incredibly expensive so support like this really helps our family. We would like to say a big thank you to Kerstin, Julie and Pete and everyone who supported the day, it was a lovely event and Harry is a lucky little boy to have the support of such a big hearted club.”

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People are putting on their walking boots on December 30 for a 10k walk across some beautiful Northamptonshire countryside. £15 minimum sponsorship or donation. Starting and finishing at The Windmill Inn in Badby, with breakfast included at the end. To sign up or for more information please email Hayley at [email protected] or search for The Helping Harry Trust on facebook.

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