Three arrested after pedal bike and moped collide on zebra crossing in Daventry

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Three people have been arrested after a collision between a pedal bike and a moped on a zebra crossing Daventry, police revealed on Tuesday night.

The incident happened in Ashby Road at around 1pm on Tuesday June 7.

A spokesman for Northamptonshire Police said: “The rider of the pedal cycle received first aid from members of the public until the arrival of the air ambulance, during which time Ashby Road was closed.

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“The pedal cyclist, a 22-year-old local woman, was taken to University Hospital Coventry with suspected serious injuries. She was later allowed home following treatment. The rider of the moped was not injured,” he said.

A 17 year-old man from Daventry was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and other driving offences.

A 51 year-old woman and a 27 year-old man, both from Daventry, were also arrested in connection with the incident.

Sergeant Sam Dobbs, from Daventry Police said, “This incident happened at a busy time of day, and we appeal for anyone who saw the collision, or who has any information about it, to contact the police or Crimestoppers.”

Witnesses or anyone with any information should Northamptonshire Police on 101. Alternatively, they can call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.